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December 24, 2020Why Seo Is The Foundation Of Digital Marketing
Hey, Mates, I hope you are all doing well. Today I am going to tell you Why SEO Is The Foundation Of Digital Marketing. I have been involved with Search engine optimization now for several years.
There is one thing that is foundational when you are looking to engage in SEO. That one thing is excellent market research.
If you search in google what are the components of Digital Marketing, It shows you 7 main components. But the first and most important part is SEO. Therefore we can say that Seo Is The Foundation Of Digital Marketing
Search Engines
The internet is driven by content. Content is found by people typically doing search queries in Google, Youtube, Bing, and other smaller search engines.
Upon doing their search, they are presented with the results that the search engine presents. Over the years search engines have gotten much better at bringing to the forefront the right search results which people are looking for.
Good Or Bad.
It is good for searchers as they are finding what they need quicker than ever before.
It is bad for those competing because rarely will a searcher need to go beyond the first page to find what they are looking for.
This is why choosing the right keywords is so critical to your content development plan for getting on the first page of Google.
Pick the wrong words and you will be scratching your head after a ton of work and find yourself and your company no better off.
Free Keyword Tools
So let’s look at a couple of free keyword tools and a basic approach to finding the right keywords.
The first keyword tool we will look at is the free word tracker keyword tool. I really love this tool for finding long-tail keywords that other tools do not show very well. Free Wordtracker Keyword Tool,
Free Wordtracker Keyword
Once you get there, you can enter a keyword and click on Hit me.
Once you do that, it will show the top 100 words based on the word trackers database.
When looking at the keyword “Free SEO” … I am given about 600 potential searches of various phrases daily.
When presented with the choices at Free Wordtracker, you are looking at estimated daily searches. Although I do not put a lot of weight into the numbers at this time, I do make a note of it.
When looking for ways to rank, you will need to look at a couple of other factors before taking a closer look at the numbers with another tool or 2.
Two Leading Indicators
There are 2 leading indicators as SEO experts I am going to want to look at. One is the Search engine competition based on phrase match and the other is what is called all in the title. The all-in title is the first component Google reads when they are crawling a page.
You can completely control the title of the page and as a basic guideline, you should be aiming for 1 keyword per page, and use that keyword in the title of your content.
So let’s look at some of the above phrases and what to do with them to determine if we will be able to rank on some of these phrases.
When breaking down keyword competition, there are 2 leading indicators I am looking for.
So after looking at several. I have found that the competition and all in the title are very competitive for many of the keywords…which I expected.
However, in cross-referencing with the free google keyword Planner tool. I discovered a few keywords that had decent traffic and low competition that are directly related to my market.
When looking at this term, free SEO report and free SEO reports, I found that I could target these terms and gain this traffic relatively easily.
That gives me 2 very targeted keywords to which I can attract people to the site. And I know I will not be wasting time going after a keyword that is too competitive.
Final Words.
So, friends, I hope that you will enjoy our article Why Seo Is The Foundation Of Digital Marketing. Please give us your feedback in the comments.